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Clip Details:
Duration: 1294 sec.Nudity: yesCreator: zorg
New Filesize: 0 mb (-100%)Sound: yesOld Filesize (MP4): 705 mb
File Format: AOMedia Video 1 (WebM/AV1)Resolution: 786x480pxAdded: 2025-Jan-28

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1. Alexandra Beau nude

2. Claudia Körber nude

Sometimes credited as: Claudia Koerber

3. Gaby Fritz nude

Sometimes credited as: Gabi Fritz

4. Karin König nude

Sometimes credited as: Karin Koenig

5. Katja Bienert nude

Sometimes credited as: Katia Bienert / Katja Caroll

6. Sylvia Engelmann nude

Sometimes credited as: Silvia Angel / Sylvia Angel / Sylvia Edmeier-Engelmann / Sonja Engels

Movie title:

"Vergiss beim Sex die Liebe nicht - Der neue Schulmädchenreport 13. Teil"

... aka "Reportaje a las colegialas", "Schoolgirl Report Vol. 13: Don't Forget Love During Sex", "Skolepigesex med kærlig hilsen", "Collégiennes expertes", "Erotiki exapsi mathitrion", "Thranio No 13: Anatomia tis syzygikis apistias", "Sexualidad peligrosa", "Sweet Young Trouble", "Making Out" and "Schoolgirl Report Vol.13"

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